Friday, February 23, 2007

Still Growing

We went to the doctor today and everything is going great. Total weight gain to date is 4 lbs. Wow! I still really haven't gain anything because that is the 4 lbs I've gained back of the 11 lbs I lost. She checked for the heartbeat but he moved and kicked so much that you could hear a big poof sound in the microphone every time he kicked. She said that was a good enough sign that everything is ok. My next doctors appt is in 4 weeks but then I have to start my 2 weeks appt. I about started to cry when she said next time I will be doing my Glucose test and my 3RD TRIMESTER blood work. I don't believe in 4 weeks I'll already be in my 3rd trimester! Oh, we also found out that the tech didn't get a good view of a few things so we get to have another ultrasound. We are both so excited. Another little sneak peak at Jackson. I also found out I will have to get another RhoGam shot for my Rh factor. They said it only last about 12 weeks. Since I had it at 15 weeks it won't last until delivery. But everything has been going and growing great. Now I actually can enjoy pregnancy!

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