Saturday, April 26, 2008

The Hardest Thing

So most of you all know that our dogs are our children too. We have 3 of them Lady(our first born as we call her) Abby, and Molly. Matt had gotten Lady for me when we first started dating. She was the best dog ever. I don't even think she knew she was dog. She never left our side. She loved playing basketball out back. She had her own personality. And I admit it she was treated better than the other two. A year ago last Feb. the day after Matt's dad past away we found a knot underneath her belly, We took her to the vet for an ultrasound and surgery to see what it was. It was a tumor the size of a two softballs. The vet said this kind of tumor in dogs only lived 42 weeks after being removed. Lady's couldn't be removed. It was already so big and she wasn't even showing signs of being sick. We just try to give her the best quality of life. Days went by and she was doing great still going outside playing and doing her own thing. Months went by and still fine. I was just praying that she would make it until Jackson was born. I didn't think I could take another big loss. I should say that if it wasn't for Matt's dad who worked with the people we got Lady from we would have never got her. She was doing great but the tumor just kept getting bigger. The past winter she got so skinny and her belly was so big. She looked like and starving pregnant dog. After I started staying at home and spending more time at my parents I started taking her with me everyday. It got to the point to where she couldn't get into the car everyday so I started leaving her there. She didn't mind though she loved it at mom and dad's she got spoiled even more there than at our house. It was there grandchild. She used to get so excited when we asked her about going to gma's and gpa's, she didn't know if we were going to Matt's parents so she could get a box of cookies (yes cookies) or my parents to get a cooked meal!! Yes I know it sounds stupid but she really was like a child. Me and Matt had her for 7 years. She lived what I think was a great life. We had to put her to sleep Friday. She out lived what the studies said and what was the life expectancy of a dog that had it removed. She wasn't able to get up and move anymore and she seemed unhappy. It was getting really tough seeing and caring for her. It was the hardest and most painful thing we ever had to do. I told Matt it was harder than labor. We miss her so much already. We love you Lady and we will never be able to find another dog like you!


Alicia Kane said...

oh Jess, I'm so sorry! My heart just dropped when I was reading about Lady. She will always be in our hearts!
Lots of love sis

Hers and His said...

I feel so sorry for you all. I can't imagine what I would do if that happened to Rufus. I totally understand what you mean about how your dog can become more like your baby! I will be praying for you all.

The Tibbs World said...

Dogs are so much apart of our families. It's hard to go through something like this.