Thursday, August 30, 2007

His First Cold

So Tuesday Matt said he wasn't fealing well and I told him not to breath, cough, and even look a Jackson because I didn't want him to get it. Well he did. Poor little thing is all stuffed up and sneezing and coughing. But he doesn't seemed to mind it at all. He's still a very happy baby. It's going around I guess. I talked to my friend Hollie and Nolan had it too. So Beware. I'm taking a little something just so hopefully I don't get it ;) Jackson is doing well other than that. He's trying to giggle a lot more he really tries to talk to you. He's really active. Oh his favorite song is "This Little Light of Mine" He really tries to sing it with me it's so adorable. It makes me laugh so hard I start crying. I would love to catch it on video but along with everything else everytime I get it out he stops doing it. Well I hope all is well and have a safe hoilday weekend!!

1 comment:

Sulayne said...

I hope he feels better!