Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Our Weekend

Ok so with 3 weeks left (or less) me and Matt had a "our weekend." Which we don't usually do because we are with "Our Group" most weekends. Sat we went and visited the McCormick group which always goes camping but we didn't go because somebody is 9 months prego. But we spent the last part of day with everyone which turned out pretty good because we were a hour away from home (thank goodness nothing happen). Then Sunday we got up and went SHOPPING!!! Of course for baby stuff. We went to the outlet mall and got some cute clothes for him later. We got a lot of cute stuff. Here is just a few of the cute-cute stuff. Trust me we bought a lot more than this.

Children's Place had a huge sale where everything that was marked down with 50% off of that. So we walked out of there with stuff for $1 & $2. It was unreal. But of course we did buy something for us. I finally bought some non-prego clothes. Hopefully I will be able to get into soon ;) So then we went out to eat by our self. We had a really good day to our self because who knows when then next time that will be. But we are still awaiting the arrival for Mr. Jackson. But until then we just keeping guess when it will be. Just like everyone at work who just started a baby pool. The earliest June 8th ;) and latest June 29th ;( I picked June 9th and Matt picked the 13th. So well see who's closest. I thought Matt would have picked a little closer date because I know he is sick of me complaining all the time. But he's the greatest ;) I couldn't have asked for a better husband!!!! Well I guess that is all for now!

Friday, May 25, 2007

3 Weeks, 6 Days and Counting!

Ok so we went to the doctor today (the start of our every week visit) and she said everything looks good. I haven't gained anymore, Yeah! I think. I have only gained 5 pounds over my original weight. She said I'm right where I should be and a probably have a couple more weeks left. So I guess I'm ok with that. I'm just holding off till next Friday, June 1st. After saying for 9 months June- June- June I think I got it in my head that I want a June baby. So as long as he holds off I'll be ok. Me and Matt are just hoping that he will come on June 11th. Our 7 year anniversary of our 1st date :) I think it would be really neat. We're a little upset because we're not going on our annual Memorial Day camping trip along with the other 20 McCormick's but hopefully while get to go on Labor Day with our special guest! But we're going up Sat. to visit everyone and then Sunday we're going to the outlet malls ;) So all and all I think will have a pretty good weekend. We will let you know if anything changes but I think he'll hold off a few more weeks. BUT WE ARE READY!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


First of all let me say Welcome to our newest addition to the group, Finally!

Nolan was born Friday May 18th to our friends Josh and Hollie.
9 pounds and 22 inches long
We are all glad he is finally here. I'm sure him and Lynlee will have fun together before Jackson arrives!

So this is another finishing touch we just put up. Dad put this together and we got it up last week. It was really hard putting 7 letters up. We didn't think about that stuff when we picked out his name! But all and all everything is great except we are really ready for him to get here. I'm really hoping I don't have to go the last 4 weeks. I've been getting Braxton Hicks a lot more and a lot more often. I'm pretty sure he has now dropped because I'm really walking funny now. Yes I will admit it, I'm walking like a pregnant person:) And everyone has told me I looked liked I dropped. Hopefully! I'm getting to the point of being really misable throught the day. I've really been trying to do extra stuff (we put new mulch down last weekend and we cleaned out my car getting ready for him) hoping this will progress a little more. But we'll find out if that did any good on Friday. We start my every week appt, O0h yeah I'm really excited:( But we will let you know!
I hope you all got to see the video below of the shower. We were having problems getting it the stay on but I think all the bugs are out.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Jackson's Shower

Thanks to Patty B. for doing this wonderful video from the shower!!
Recognize Anyone?

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


OK, So to catch up with what happened at the shower read Catch Up Part 1 first.
So after that whole deal Tuesday I woke up not feeling well ( Cold not Food Poisoning) So I stayed home Weds and made a doctors appt for Thursday. I went and seen a new doctor who was great. He is a Family Dr, OBGYN, and Ped. all rolled into one. So after Jackson's born he will be seeing him too. Well of course there wasn't much he could do because I'm pregnant, but atleast he knew what I could and couldn't have. So he gave my allergy pills to see if that would help. It kinda did. I finally went back to work on Monday after having a miserable 5 days off. I still not feeling the best but better than I did. But when I went to the doctor I had lost 3 lbs. So now I have only gained 1 lb over my orginal weight. But I got back to Dr. Herrman tommorrow so well see. Me and Matt are going to take a tour of the labor and delivery floor before my doctors appt. 5 more weeks! So we kinda got his room together we just have to put up his name and the curtains. But everyone has been asking about it so here are some pictures. We are still putting some stuff away.

I don't know if you can see the doll on the shelf. But my Grandma McCormick had given me that. Which I remember she had had it forever, and she wanted to give it to me because we were doing the room in Sailboats ( its a sailor boy) and his name is Matthew. I brought tears to my eyes at the shower.

This is Abby waiting on her brother! Or waiting for us to leave so she can play with everything?

So Sunday was my kinda first mothers day. Matt got me 2 beautiful cards ( 1 from the dogs) and the other just on a personal note . And my dad got me another cute one with an adorable baby praying and thanking for a most beautiful and bestest mommy ever. TOO Cute. My nephew wrote my a cute gift cert. for me and him only to go see Shrek 3 (my favorite movie) and Matt's mom got me a photo printer so I can print the adorable pictures of Jackson. We went out and seen my Grandma McC. for awhile It was great getting together with everyone. We even got a family picture of everyone. It was all around a perfect day!

So I guess that is it for now.

I will try to keep you updated as the short 5 weeks narrow down!!!!


OK OK I know! I haven't been updating so I feel you in of the past 2 weeks. First will start off by Daddy, Mommy, and soon to be Jackson are fine. I went to the doctor(May 2) and gained 4 lbs in a week and a half. So Sunday May 6th was the shower and let me feel you in on that one. Sat night we all went up and decorated and everything looked beautiful (thanks to moms touch). Sunday morning mom called said she was hurting in her side. Well Matt went and helped while I finished getting all dolled up. Then Matt called back and said dad took her to the hospital. So I lost it. I knew mom had to be in a lot of pain to go to the hospital. So she said to finish everything That She Would Be There!! So I called Kasey and her mom and they rushed to help. Then Lana and Hank called and came to the rescue too. So thanks to everyone for coming and helping out. Even the guys :) So right as everyone showed up so did my mom:) We had so many people and presents. It was great seeing a lot people I hadn't seen in awhile.

We had all kinds of "Food" and a beautiful Chocolate fountain!

So all and all we had a great shower. Thanks to everyone who showed up!

Ok picture of me after been on my feet all day!

Ok so the next morning Matt woke me up and said he wasn't feeling good. I really didn't think anything of it until my dad called the next morning. Found out the way the dumplings was sitting out they went bad so we had a break out of everyone getting sick. Found out it effected the McCormicks more than anything. Everyone kept calling me to see if I was ok I had eaten them just I didn't get sick for some reason. SORRY :( To all the people who showed up and got sick. I promise no dumplings at Jackson's 1st Birthday Party. End up my cousin to some home and gave them to her dogs and the dogs even got sick ( I think that was the funny part) But everyone and work made fun of me the whole day.

This is a BIG SORRY for everyone that got sick!