Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Our Weekend

Ok so with 3 weeks left (or less) me and Matt had a "our weekend." Which we don't usually do because we are with "Our Group" most weekends. Sat we went and visited the McCormick group which always goes camping but we didn't go because somebody is 9 months prego. But we spent the last part of day with everyone which turned out pretty good because we were a hour away from home (thank goodness nothing happen). Then Sunday we got up and went SHOPPING!!! Of course for baby stuff. We went to the outlet mall and got some cute clothes for him later. We got a lot of cute stuff. Here is just a few of the cute-cute stuff. Trust me we bought a lot more than this.

Children's Place had a huge sale where everything that was marked down with 50% off of that. So we walked out of there with stuff for $1 & $2. It was unreal. But of course we did buy something for us. I finally bought some non-prego clothes. Hopefully I will be able to get into soon ;) So then we went out to eat by our self. We had a really good day to our self because who knows when then next time that will be. But we are still awaiting the arrival for Mr. Jackson. But until then we just keeping guess when it will be. Just like everyone at work who just started a baby pool. The earliest June 8th ;) and latest June 29th ;( I picked June 9th and Matt picked the 13th. So well see who's closest. I thought Matt would have picked a little closer date because I know he is sick of me complaining all the time. But he's the greatest ;) I couldn't have asked for a better husband!!!! Well I guess that is all for now!

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