Tuesday, September 11, 2007

New Look!

Ok so I finally did it. I change the look after saying I'm going to update it after he was born. It only took about 3 months. Tonight Jackson really showed his improvement of holding his head up. I laid him on his tummy and he held it up for a good while. Long enough for me to get tons of video, pictures, and to find his tummy mat. He really liked it too. He also rolled from his belly onto his back. But hasn't rolled over onto his belly yet. He's really trying to talk to you more and more. Me and parents went to Sam's tonight and we passed the UofL section with children's clothes. I said I bet your daddy would hang me by my toes if I bought that wouldn't he and he just laughed. Then dad kept saying go Hoosiers and I said Booooo. And Jackson would boo. It was too cute. Mama and Papa got a big kick out of that. Oh he got is first cold chill today. I laughed so hard he was laughing with me. It was the cutest thing. He is doing great in his crib. Since Saturday, everynight he has slept through the night. About 12 hours. THANK YOU!!! Mommy and Daddy Love You!!

1 comment:

Sulayne said...

I love the new look! It looks so professional! Jackson is so precious, I can't wait to actually meet him!!