Friday, June 15, 2007

My Energy (I think)

So everyone keeps telling me that you will feel like crap and then wham! One day you'll wake up feeling great and nesting and all that stuff. Soooo...I woke up this morning feeling great. I can't say I'm nesting because I have been doing that through the whole pregnancy and before I got pregnant. Everyone at work even noticed. I didn't drag my bottom in like have been doing for the past few weeks. So I'm hoping this is my burst of energy. Today was my last day at work. Sorry Vicky! I know you all will miss me. But I decided that if I didn't have him this weekend like I am praying for, I will be to depressed to come in Monday, and my feet cannot take it anymore. So will see if this whole energy stuff is true or another way to get our hopes up. Oh this is too cute and Matt might get mad at me for telling but last night Matt was trying to talk Jackson out and everytime he said "why don't you come out!"" Jackson kept kicking his face. Too cute and too funny. I know he is just as excited as me and is going to make an excellent father. Until then it's kinda fun waiting but not too fun! We are ready for him too join us, but not until he's ready :)


Jessie said...

you looked wonderful at church today!!!!! good luck! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Jessica, My first day of Maternity leave was a Monday. I was looking foward to sleeping in and enjoying some ME time. My water broke at 6:45 AM. The girls were delivered at 3:04 & 3:07. Hopefully, It runs in the family and you will NOT get to enjoy your first Monday in bed. Best of Luck, Cousin Sandy

Alicia Kane said...

ahem! sorry sandy but since she didn't have him on the 15th....she has to wait till the 19th...thats my other pool day!! hahahaha I guess if you go before then I won't be tooooo mad....he just better be my weight (I don't even remember what that one was) LOL! Just kiddin sis!