Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Still No Jackson

OK with 9 more days I'm feeling it. We are just sooooooo ready! I go to the doctor tomorrow, so will see what she has to say. I don't think I have gained anymore because I'm back to the same o' being sick all the time. I don't eat much because the thought makes me sick. I don't feel like doing much of anything. I don't even wanna go shopping anymore! SHOCKER!!!!! I cut back the hours at work because an 8 hour day seems to be 20 for me, and my ankles and hands seem to agree. I'm sure the girls at work are glad that I did too. They hear me complain enough about being sick and not feeling like doing anything and me sleeping 15 hours a day. And every time someone (customers mainly) walks through the door. "You still haven't had that baby yet!" Well if I did do you think I would be here!!! You all will miss me for 6 weeks :) And of course I've let down half the people at work because the day they picked in the baby pool has come in gone. Well Matt has tomorrow, come on Jackson!! I just don't hope I have anymore of the weird dreams. I had one where he came out a girl, one was a normal delivery, and the last one was they had to do an emergency c-section because he was 9 1/2 pounds and 30 inches long. SCARY!!!!! We'll let you know how the appt. goes tomorrow!


Jessie said...

You'll do great! I can almost promise you he won't be 30 inches long! ;-) I'll be praying for you three! He'll be here before you know it!

The Tibbs World said...

I remember being four days late and someone said some thing along the lines of "You still haven't had that baby yet, huh?" I wanted to punch that person. Jokes aren't funny any more, it's just time to have the baby.

Don't worry, he'll be here before you know it and you'll be walking on air!

Alicia Kane said...

LOL, Maria, if she hears that from another customer she may kill them haha